
Side projects I've been working on

Fluid simulation

2D fluid simulation built with Rust and the Bevy game engine, and compiled to WebAssembly. Based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. Demo here!

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Stock mentions dashboard

Dashboard visualizing stock mentions data scraped from Reddit. Built with Python, Plotly, and Dash. 

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Chess bot

Minimax chess bot coded in Rust and hosted on AWS Lambda, running every 30 minutes. Challenge it on Lichess! 

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React Image to Particles Package

Published an NPM package that converts an image to interactive particle effects. Built with JavaScript. 

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Musika Africa

A site for buying and selling second hand goods. Made with the MERN stack 

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Platform connecting those who want to exchange currency to help them find the best rates. Built with the MERN stack. 

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